Monday, February 23, 2015

FUTURISM UPDATE (February 25, 2015)    

PHYSICS-ASTRONOMY:  Stephen Hawking: “The Absence of Event Horizons Means There are No Black Holes"   http://www.physics-astronomy.com/2014/12/stephen-hawking-absence-of-event.html#.VOtVVi6zm7l

THE NEW YORKER:  How to Live Forever   http://www.newyorker.com/business/currency/live-forever

THE TELEGRAPH:  The professor who 'cured' his cancer with a cocktail of everyday pills and 20 years on remains disease-free   http://www.telegraph.co.uk/lifestyle/wellbeing/healthadvice/11424747/The-professor-who-cured-his-cancer-with-a-cocktail-of-everyday-pills-and-20-years-on-remains-disease-free.html

MIT NEWS:  Radio chip for the “Internet of things”.  Circuit that reduces power leakage when transmitters are idle could greatly extend battery life.  http://newsoffice.mit.edu/2015/low-power-radio-chip-internet-of-things-0222

MIT NEWS:  How brain waves guide memory formation. Neurons hum at different frequencies to tell the brain which memories it should store.  http://newsoffice.mit.edu/2015/brain-waves-guide-memory-formation-0223

MIT NEWS:  Fibers made by transforming materials.  New approach could enable low-cost silicon devices in fibers that could be made into fabrics.    https://newsoffice.mit.edu/2015/high-quality-fiber-electronic-devices-0220

FORBES:  What Would Orwell and Huxley Think About Big Data? http://www.forbes.com/sites/howardbaldwin/2015/02/22/what-would-orwell-and-huxley-think-about-big-data/

WALL STREET JOURNAL:  With Big Data, HR Departments Too Often Get Short Shrift  http://www.wsj.com/articles/with-big-data-hr-departments-too-often-get-short-shrift-1424664603

FORBES:  Four Big Priorities For Implementing Next Generation Big Data Analytics  http://www.forbes.com/sites/teradata/2015/02/20/four-big-priorities-for-implementing-next-generation-big-data-analytics/

MEDICAL XPRESS:  3D-printed guides can help restore function in damaged nerves   http://medicalxpress.com/news/2015-02-3d-printed-function-nerves.html

LIVE SCIENCE:  4 Misconceptions About 'Big Data' You Can Stop Believing (Op-Ed)  http://www.livescience.com/49896-four-misconcepions-about-big-data.html

NEW YORK TIMES:  Bringing Big Data to the Fight Against Benefits Fraud  http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/22/technology/bringing-big-data-to-the-fight-against-benefits-fraud.html?_r=0

GIGAOM:  For now, Spark looks like the future of big data    https://gigaom.com/2015/02/20/for-now-spark-looks-like-the-future-of-big-data/

COMPUTER BUSINESS REVIEW:  Alteryx planning to democratise Big Data  http://www.cbronline.com/news/tech/software/analytics/alteryx-planning-to-democratise-big-data-4512984

NEW YORK TIMES:  IBM, G.E. and Others Create Big Data Alliance   http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/02/17/ibm-g-e-and-others-create-big-data-alliance/

ZDNET:  Oracle updates big data portfolio, aims to be 'visual face of Hadoop'  http://www.zdnet.com/article/oracle-updates-big-data-portfolio-aims-to-be-visual-face-of-hadoop/

CNN:  The big dangers of 'big data'  http://edition.cnn.com/2015/02/02/opinion/kakaes-big-data/

FORBES:  Seven Potential Potholes To Avoid On The Way To Big Data Success    http://www.forbes.com/sites/oracle/2015/02/20/seven-potential-potholes-to-avoid-on-the-way-to-big-data-success/

THE ECONOMIST:  Older people have always worried that the young are not taking proper care of language http://econ.trib.al/XzsS3VA

INC-COM:  Here's how to build an online presence for your personal brand on the cheap http://bit.ly/1D3sbyw

KPMG:   Emerging Technology Risk network launches video series on achieving tangible benefits from emerging tech http://bit.ly/1Lx8Bz8

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT:  Shocks and surprises are coming, and we need to build critical infrastructure systems that can weather them. http://bit.ly/1EnS3to

KNIGHT FOUNDATION:  Global Impact Competition-#Miami seeks big ideas for addressing sea level rise in South Florida http://kng.ht/1MME9Vd

BBC:  Greece unveils eurozone reforms http://bbc.in/1GmIJoL

FORBES:  The fattest dividends on the planet http://onforb.es/17r0yGV

RAND CORPORATION:  #RestorativeJustice emphasizes repairing harm caused by misbehavior. Can this approach reduce #school suspensions? http://ow.ly/JxFVH

MEW SCIENTIST:  An injection and a dash of exercise could be the secret to keeping trim http://ow.ly/JxXRK

GIGAOM:  HP reorgs cloud business as Marten Mickos cedes key responsibilities http://bit.ly/1GmkQxj

WIRED:  The subatomic particles streaming out of black holes can inform us about how galaxies are formed http://wrd.cm/1w34DXP

FINANCIAL TIMES:  HSBC still ahead of banking peers http://on.ft.com/1GlLqqz

WASHINGTON POST:  Stephen Hawking says that "aggression," humanity’s greatest vice, will destroy civilization http://wapo.st/1LwXM00

THE ECONOMIST:  Schumpeter: In the battle for software talent, other industries can learn from Silicon Valley http://econ.st/17GUqKu

IEEE SPECTRUM:  Wearable Vitals Tracker: A new armband equipped with organic printed circuits can harvest solar energy, take y... http://bit.ly/1BgX0F0 \

INFORMATION WEEK:  7 Emerging Technologies IT Should Study Now http://ubm.io/1w4qwGd

MIT SLOAN:  How to Hold an Innovation Contest http://ow.ly/JtMbS  @Inc

MIT TECH REVIEW:  "Pressure is on to use biotech to study many genomes at once and begin to compare genetic data with medical records." http://bit.ly/1DJLAts

POPULAR SCIENCE:  Warm weather in Asia may have spurred Black Death outbreaks in Europe http://pops.ci/lCmoBz

THE GUARDIAN:  UK robotics experts developing 'smart trousers' http://d.gu.com/8jGnl5

MIT TECHNOLOGY REVIEW:  Nano-Manufacturing Makes Steel 10 Times Stronger.  A new way to produce metals could have wide-ranging effects.    http://www.technologyreview.com/news/534796/nano-manufacturing-makes-steel-10-times-stronger/

MIT TECHNOLOGY REVIEW:  The Face Detection Algorithm Set To Revolutionize Image Search.  The ability to spot faces from any angle, and even when partially occluded, has always been a uniquely human capability. Not any more.     http://www.technologyreview.com/view/535201/the-face-detection-algorithm-set-to-revolutionize-image-search/

MIT NEWS:  Taking technology from the lab to the patient.  Daniel Anderson wants to bring advances in drug delivery and biomaterials to the clinic.    http://newsoffice.mit.edu/2015/profile-daniel-anderson-0217

LINKEDIN: The State of the Future (February 18, 2015 Update!) https://lnkd.in/enu3upp

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN:  Fecal transplants could up the risk of obesity onset, if the samples come from an obese donor. http://ow.ly/J9gQq

TECHCRUNCH: Elemental Path Debuts The First Toys Powered By IBM Watson https://lnkd.in/eYq9R6q

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN:  Innovative technique replaces approximately 10 percent of the liver with healthy cells from a deceased donor. http://ow.ly/JcuV0

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN:  A burgeoning technology known as visible light communication could someday carry wireless data in the same light that illuminates a room using “smart lighting.” http://ow.ly/JcsQM

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: Party on. Really. Study finds that group social activity prevents cognitive decline more than even one-on-one interactions.  http://ow.ly/JaoMP

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: New report evaluates the impacts of coal pollution on our respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems. http://ow.ly/JctF4

INC-COM:  7 Habits of The World's Richest People    http://www.inc.com/jayson-demers/7-habits-of-the-world-s-richest-people.html?cid=sf01002

STATEMENT BY SENATORS JOHN McCAIN AND LINDSEY GRAHAM ON DEVELOPMENTS IN UKRAINE   http://www.mccain.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/press-releases?ID=f04d4b6e-a0f8-48ed-bacc-5b8a6f8ee1a1

FASTCO DESIGN:   Why Samsung Design Stinks. Blame Steve Jobs Syndrome.  http://www.fastcodesign.com/3042408/why-samsung-design-stinks?utm_source=facebook

PHYS-ORG: Artificial proteins could bring the next biological revolution – starting with MRI. Scientists and engineers have looked to nature for their inspiration for centuries. The field of biomimetics uses ideas from nature to solve complex human challenges.  https://lnkd.in/efCU27X

HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL: ionic Leaf. Researchers use bacteria to convert solar energy into liquid fuel https://lnkd.in/eU3AqEA

MAX PLANCK INSTITUTES: Seven genes for X-linked intellectual disability. Genetic analysis discovers new mutations on the X chromosome https://lnkd.in/eXwis66

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN:  A new paper lists 10 situations when it could be justified for a doctor to "Google" patients. http://ow.ly/J6t3F

CNN MONEY:  Jony Ive is the British designer behind 1.5 billion Apple products. And he really loves the F word. http://cnnmon.ie/1FoaQ9c

COSMOS UP-COM: New Crazy Theory: The Universe has ‘No End and No Beginning - See more at: https://lnkd.in/eyzhPvs

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: Biodefense Aims to Simulate Human Bodies by Linking Mini "Organs on Chips". 3-D systems could mimic human physiology and allow for ethical tests of the impact of potential biological, chemical and radiological warfare agents https://lnkd.in/evyg_6i

BUSINESS INSIDER: Why Steve Jobs was such a jerk to employees https://lnkd.in/eNwFqVN

BUSINESS INSIDER: Google is going to end mobile wireless data charges for millions of new customers Read more: https://lnkd.in/eW4Vjue

CNN:  Why does ISIS keep making enemies? http://edition.cnn.com/2015/02/16/opinion/bergen-isis-enemies/

CBS NEW YORK:  U.S. Rep., Terror Expert Shocked At State Dept. Claim That Jobs Program Can Stop ISIS

Obama Administration Ripped Over Spokesperson's Comments On Chris Matthews  http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2015/02/17/u-s-rep-terror-expert-shocked-at-state-dept-claim-that-jobs-program-can-stop-isis/

THE NEW YORK TIMES:  U.S. Intensifies Effort to Blunt ISIS’ Message   http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/17/world/middleeast/us-intensifies-effort-to-blunt-isis-message.html?_r=0

FOREIGN AFFAIRS MAGAZINE: Ready for War With ISIS? Foreign Affairs' Brain Trust Weighs In http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/142676/ready-for-war-with-isis

CNN:  ISIS atrocity in Libya demonstrates its growing reach in North Africa   http://edition.cnn.com/2015/02/16/africa/isis-libya-north-africa/

THE ATLANTIC:   On the Impossibility of Fighting ISIS    http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2015/02/on-the-impossibility-of-fighting-isis/385530/

FOREIGN POLICY MAGAZINE:   The coming fall of the house of ISIS    http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/01/14/the-coming-fall-of-the-house-of-isis/

THE INDEPENDENT:  Isis: Paranoid but determined, Islamic State is ready for a fight to the death in Mosul     http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/isis-paranoid-but-determined-islamic-state-is-ready-for-a-fightto-the-death-in-mosul-10052377.html

THE GUARDIAN:  What will it take to stop Isis using rape as a weapon of war?    http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2015/feb/17/disarm-isis-rape-weapon-war

DER SPIEGEL: Digital Jihad: Inside Islamic State's Savvy PR War. Islamic State's methods may be medieval, but the group's propaganda is second to none. The Islamists target their professionally produced videos at specific audiences -- sometimes to spread a specific message, sometimes merely to terrify. https://lnkd.in/efzh6WD

THE GLOBE AND MAIL:  To fight ISIS effectively, we need insight into just what it is     http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-debate/editorials/to-fight-isis-effectively-we-need-insight-into-just-what-it-is/article23036515/

FORBES:  The ISIS Opportunity--Apocalypse Or Accord?   http://www.forbes.com/sites/rickungar/2015/02/17/the-isis-opportunity-apocalypse-or-accord/

CNN:  Kurdish peshmerga fighters battle ISIS in Sinjar   http://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2015/02/16/pkg-black-kurds-battle-isis-sinjar.cnn

WALL STREET JOURNAL:  ISIS and Obama’s Summit. The Copts and Kurds know the threat is more than ‘violent extremism.’  http://www.wsj.com/articles/isis-and-obamas-summit-1424132931

THE NEW YORK TIMES:  Egypt Launches Airstrike in Libya Against ISIS Branch    http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/17/world/middleeast/isis-egypt-libya-airstrikes.html

THE GUARDIAN:   A Libyan front in the war on Isis may not be all it seems    http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/feb/16/libyan-front-war-isis-murder-21-egyptian-christians-middle-east

LINKEDIN: The State of the Future (February 19, 2015 Update!) https://lnkd.in/eh8jqhz

MIT TECHNOLOGY REVIEW:  BREAKTHROUGH TECHNOLOGIES FOR 2015!  http://www.technologyreview.com/lists/technologies/2015/

COMPUTERWORLD: Microsoft adds machine learning as an Azure service. Microsoft's new Azure service aims to take the pain out of managing large machine learning systems https://lnkd.in/eVadNM6

LINKEDIN: What To Study To Conquer The Business Analytics and the Big Data Galaxy? https://lnkd.in/e68TfRN

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: The oldest stars in the universe formed more than 100 million years later than previously believed. http://ow.ly/JeqL1

THE ECONOMIST:   Why Ireland and Portugal are refusing to cut Greece any slack http://econ.st/1G4bgz7

BBC NEWS:  VIDEO: Is another financial crisis looming? http://bbc.in/1G5qioj

BLOOMBERG:   Did the Fed just enter the currency wars? http://bloom.bg/1zoQINk

MASHABLE:  Yahoo prowls for mobile developers http://on.mash.to/17sUltF

MIT:   Can @MIT_CSAIL's robot garden make coding more accessible? http://mitne.ws/1DrXaJD  #STEMeducation

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC:   70,000 years ago an alien star flew through the outer reaches of the solar system: http://on.natgeo.com/1zoYN4u

WALL STREET JOURNAL: Weekend Read: [CREATIVE SCHUMPETERIAN] Disruption Is Not About Slaying Giants but about Serving New Customers https://lnkd.in/eqMnsjE

FINANCIAL TIMES:  China’s richest man loads up on debt to fuel growth of world's most valuable solar company http://on.ft.com/1CIZgC5

THE ECONOMIST:  Downturns in the euro area and Britain seem like hiccups in comparison to Greece's recession http://econ.st/19shY7j

STRATFOR:  Japan and most European countries have severe cultural problems integrating immigrants. http://social.stratfor.com/hIY

WASHINGTON POST:  Clintons raised nearly $2 billion for foundation since 2001, Post analysis shows http://wapo.st/19zgIPL

GIGAOM:  Google open sources a MapReduce framework for C/C++ http://bit.ly/1G3STdv

CNN MONEY:  How to protect your retirement from being "robbed" by the gov't http://cnnmon.ie/1DDgz9a

FAST COMPANY:  Corporate wellness is broken—and work is to blame: http://f-st.co/MGFVbVq

FORTUNE MAGAZINE: "[The market's] saying, ‘Gentlemen, we do not have a home for this oil today. Can you please take it off my hands?’?” http://for.tn/1zoAjZ4

BUSINESS INSIDER:  It sounds like Samsung's next Galaxy phone will be incredible fast http://buff.ly/1CJm6ai

DARPA:  Passcode provides a look inside @DARPA's plan to use virtual reality to visualize cyberoperations http://ow.ly/Ji2rf

ACCENTURE:  Expanding #gas market in Greater China presents opportunities for new products/services. http://bddy.me/1CKRchA

MORE ROBOTS ARE COMMING SOONEST.  THE TIMES OF LONDON:  Population crisis: Japan can’t even pay people to live in its dying village http://thetim.es/1LeXLQ5

FINANCIAL TIMES:  Alibaba and Tencent battle over Chinese new year ‘red envelopes’ http://on.ft.com/19xdtsb

ENGADGET:  See Russia's Tesla Tower through the eyes of a drone http://engt.co/1LeXc91

MAYO CLINIC ON WOMEN WELNESS:  Healthy #bodyimage conversations after #CindyCrawford photo.  http://mayocl.in/1MyQfky

MEDICAL XPRESS:  Development of personalized cellular therapy for brain cancer  http://medicalxpress.com/news/2015-02-personalized-cellular-therapy-brain-cancer.html

MIT NEWS:  Can an LED-filled “robot garden” make coding more accessible?  CSAIL’s 100-plus blooming, crawling, swimming bots teach basic programming concepts.  http://newsoffice.mit.edu/2015/can-led-robot-garden-make-coding-more-accessible-0218

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL:  Coding ‘Boot Camp’ Opens High-Tech Doors. Free software-building class puts some poor youth on a potentially lucrative career path   http://www.wsj.com/articles/coding-boot-camp-opens-high-tech-doors-1424304763

THE ECONOMIST:  A shift toward global transparency is making life all the more difficult for the tax-shy rich http://econ.st/17rOC7y

NEW YORK TIMES: Machine Learning: Microsoft Has Suddenly Gotten Serious With Mobile http://nyti.ms/1JpX88P

LINKEDIN: The Positive Technological Rupture Of The Very Fabric Of Human History https://lnkd.in/eWy-Grm

NEW SCIENTIST:  Tweak that epigenome! Nature/nurture debate gets overhaul with map of how life impacts genes http://ow.ly/JisUx

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN:  Map of Second Genetic Code, the "Epigenome," Is Unveiled. Scientists for the first time have mapped out the molecular "switches" that can turn on or silence individual genes in the DNA in more than 100 types of human cells, an accomplishment that reveals the complexity of genetic information and the challenges of interpreting it.   https://lnkd.in/e66AMeg

MIT TECHNOLOGY REVIEW: Internet of DNA. A global network of millions of genomes could be medicine’s next great advance. https://lnkd.in/ejBuVUN

CNET:  Scientists propose 'cortical modem' implant to give you Terminator vision  http://www.cnet.com/news/scientists-propose-cortical-modem-implant-to-give-you-terminator-vision/

MIT TECHNOLOGY REVIEW: Supercharged Photosynthesis. Advanced genetic tools could help boost crop yields and feed billions more people. https://lnkd.in/eGm42iZ

LOCKHEED MARTIN:  35% of #cyber pros guess that they're not a cyber threat target. New survey: http://lmt.co/

LIVE SCIENCE TECH:  The Large Hadron Collider is back and and it could solve some problems of the Big Bang. http://oak.ctx.ly/r/2i60d

WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM:  What kind of financial shocks caused the Great Recession? http://wef.ch/1w0hrDZ

LOCKHEED MARTIN: Seven(ty-one) Easy Pieces: What does it take to build a Littoral Combat Ship? http://lmt.co/1AWNXaw  #LCS

STRATFOR:  Map shows approximate locations of US Carrier Strike Groups, Amphibious Ready Groups Feb 19 http://social.stratfor.com/yYO

FOREIGN POLICY:  Japan’s foreign minister writes on how his country will fight Islamist terrorism in the Middle East. http://atfp.co/1z3DRyI

BUSINESS INSIDER:  South Africa among the worst countries to retire in http://j.mp/1w2paBp  via BusinessTechSA

INC-COM:  5 Healthcare Trends You Could Cash In On http://bit.ly/1AWX9vi

CIO:  NSA, UK's GCHQ reportedly hacked encryption of SIM card maker http://trib.al/FpMjmSW

ACCENTURE DIGITAL:  The Outcome Economy: #digital devices "on the edge" power a new business model http://bddy.me/1LgSFTv

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW:  How to determine whether someone is coachable http://s.hbr.org/1DwcUv7

RSA CONFERENCE:  Equation super cyberspies target Macs with #malware, too: http://spr.ly/60110P7l

PHYS-ORG:  Ovulation shares both cellular and genetic features between #fruitflies and #mice http://phy.so/343583608

REUTERS HEALTH:  179 patients notified of possible exposure to "superbug" at UCLA Medical Center: http://reut.rs/1G96UXn

ISS NATIONAL LAB:  DYK: Studying worms in space can help us better understand how to counteract foodborne illness http://1.usa.gov/1vjRVsR

BBC NEWS:  Nasdaq tech shares at 15-year high http://bbc.in/1EaXBXZ

DAIL MAIL ONLINE:  Nasa races to fix dangerous spacesuit problem ahead of crucial upcoming spacewalks http://dailym.ai/1G9jJ4a

MIT TECHNOLOGY REVIEW: Forget Buckyballs, Here Comes Volleyballene. Take 20 scandium atoms, 60 carbon atoms, arrange in a volleyball-shape and, voila! https://lnkd.in/eHDEV_j

MIT TECHNOLOGY REVIEW: Clever Vehicles. The way we go online in our cars makes no sense. https://lnkd.in/eTWPnjx

MIT TECHNOLOGY REVIEW: Liquid Biopsy. Fast DNA-sequencing machines are leading to simple blood tests for cancer. https://lnkd.in/eWt2Y72

MIT TECHNOLOGY REVIEW: Car-to-Car Communication. A simple wireless technology promises to make driving much safer. https://lnkd.in/eHAQMDv

MIT TECHNOLOGY REVIEW: Brain Organoids. A new method for growing human brain cells could unlock the mysteries of dementia, mental illness, and other neurological disorders. https://lnkd.in/eDnbBG3

MIT TECHNOLOGY REVIEW: Is Bitcoin Stalling? Despite a big increase in the number of merchants accepting Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency doesn’t have much momentum in retail transactions. https://lnkd.in/eSSMXcT

 ACCENTURE:  Technology Vision 2015: Stretching Your Boundaries in the Digital Era   http://www.accenture.com/us-en/Pages/insight-technology-vision-2015.aspx?c=tech_techvisn15_30000011&n=smc_0115

THE ECONOMIST:  Unless Syriza changes course, Greece is inexorably heading out of the euro http://econ.st/1vkjJxd

CNET:  Apple reportedly aiming to launch electric car by 2020 http://cnet.co/1CQ4fB2

FINANCIAL TIMES:  Alan Greenspan: Opec has ceded to the US its power over oil price http://on.ft.com/1G91onJ

CNN:  Cholesterol in food is no longer considered a "nutrient of concern," a report says. http://cnn.it/182vf6f  @cnnhealth

INC-COM: If You Want More Startups in Your City, Attract More 1 Percenters and College Grads  http://bit.ly/1Eb4CrE

Intelligence agencies slack off when it comes to their own oversight http://huff.to/1z4DC6C

INTEL EDUCATION:  Empower & inspire young women to become innovators, creators & designers. http://bit.ly/1Dt50CZ

HERITAGE FOUNDATION:  More States Push Back Against http://herit.ag/1EunAHW

RAND CORPORATION:  #Technology helped US, 4% of world's population, get 39% its wealth. Now it needs an R&D #strategy. http://on.rand.org/JlMw3

TELEGRAPGH NEWS:  Government accused of 'sleep-walking' into Ukraine crisis http://tgr.ph/1CQ6AvL

IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY:  VIDEO: Technical Achievement Award Recipients discuss careers, research/contributions to computing science/eng http://bit.ly/1ApOJLd

DW:  Has the Franco-German motor stopped sputtering? http://bit.ly/1vLVF11

BBC HEALTH NEWS:  Resistant-malaria 'enormous threat' http://bbc.in/182uqKO

THE ECONOMIST:  Why two little piggies aren't happy with the third, Greece http://econ.st/1vkjy4R

ENGADGET:  How to build a high-end, overclocked PC (as written by an "idiot," @stevetdent) http://engt.co/1829yTO

FORBES:  SungardASVoice: 10 ways employees compromise their company's cyber security http://onforb.es/17vVrFg  @SungardAS

REUTERS:  Union rejects contract offer from oil cos in U.S. refinery strike http://reut.rs/1Ebr1Ff

BBC: Evolution 'favours big sea beasts' http://bbc.in/1vLUZZq

FAST COMPANY:  Why building something useful for others is the best marketing there is http://f-st.co/dwYW0V7

WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM:  3 ways the technological revolution is unlike any other in history, by Prof. Klaus Schwab http://wef.ch/1Fy9I2W

BLOOMBERG:  StubHub is being squeezed by rivals -- and its parent. http://bloom.bg/1LgbG6H

STRATFOR:  In terms of defense, China is rapidly establishing itself as a credible military power in the Asia-Pacific region. http://social.stratfor.com/m1R

INTEL:  A race for the lead in the #wearables market http://usat.ly/1A9agJ6

PWCL  Your customer=your partner? Over 40% of CEOs are collaborating with customers. More stats in our survey http://pwc.to/ceocust

GIZMODO:  Falconers in Abu Dhabi train their raptors with drones http://gizmo.do/KWgno3m

INTEL:  As you can see in this video, Intel's wireless docking solution makes workplace mobility a little less awkward: http://intel.ly/1Bhq6Dm

WALL STREET JOURNAL:  Google's Wallet challenge: it exerts less control over the phones that use its Android OS than Apple does over iPhone http://on.wsj.com/1AOnQE3

BLOOMBERG:  Why oil's pain is Walmart's gain http://bloom.bg/1DF5Lr2

CNBC:  Warren Buffett's Berkshire secretly bought this stock » http://cnb.cx/17fwRbF

SYMANTEC:  WHITE PAPER? #NetBackup vs EMC benchmark comparison http://symc.ly/17nBe5m

MIT SLOAN:  Learn more about our Leading Change in Complex Organizations course. http://ow.ly/JlDbG

HERITAGE FOUNDATION:  Congress Is About to Impose Another Unfunded Mandate On Doctors - http://herit.ag/1BrVz60

WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM:  Which are the top cities for real estate investment? http://wef.ch/1ydCOfk

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW:  How to start a passion project without quitting your day job http://s.hbr.org/1Eac86m

THE TIMES OF LONDON:  World's biggest laptop maker ‘installed eavesdropping software’ on its machines http://thetim.es/1DFloig  (Reuters)

CISCO:  What are the top 3 #mobile trends that can affect your business? Learn in our #VNI Mobile Forecast: http://cs.co/60170z1R

THE VERGE:  Bill Gates believes that Africa will be able to feed itself in 15 years. Here's how: http://theverge.com/e/7820204

FOREIGN POLICY:  Iran’s Shiite militias are running amok in Iraq. http://atfp.co/1Ab7tze

DAILY MAIL ONLINE:  Facebook is building virtual reality apps that will let you share 'entire experiences' with friends http://dailym.ai/1CQ0Oud

THE ECONOMIST:  Obamacare's challengers before the Supreme Court will probably lose; here's why http://econ.st/1zRVSAf  @stevenmazie

BBC NEWS: China's corruption probe bites deep http://bbc.in/1Ebvnwg

FORTUNE MAGAZINE:  How secure is the Middle East? http://for.tn/1DFjePD

IEEE SPECTRUM:  CogniToys Leverages Watson's Brain to Befriend, Teach Your  http://ow.ly/2UU8C0

SYMMETRY MAGAZINE:     Accelerating the fight against cancer     http://www.symmetrymagazine.org/article/september-2014/accelerating-the-fight-against-cancer

SYMMETRY MAGAZINE:    What Hawking really meant. Fermilab physicist Don Lincoln explains the idea of a metastable universe, what it has to do with the Higgs boson, and why we're still in good shape.  http://www.symmetrymagazine.org/article/september-2014/what-hawking-really-meant

SYMMETRY MAGAZINE: When research worlds collide. Particle physicists and scientists from other disciplines are finding ways to help one another answer critical questions.  http://www.symmetrymagazine.org/article/september-2014/when-research-worlds-collide

IBM RESEARCH:  Demo by @IBMbigdata: #IBMWatson app w/ twitter sentiment + geospatial info to help you find a brew pub http://youtu.be/oUfbQux6Kqk

WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM:  10 ways to analyse your data http://wef.ch/17DWjaL

THE VERGE:  CastAR made a video imagining the future of augmented reality http://theverge.com/e/7848936

INC-COM:  How Entrepreneurship Might be Genetic @highervis http://bit.ly/1zSN6H0

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW:  Yes, sales teams can innovate while still hitting their targets http://s.hbr.org/1DBXmpX

FINANCIAL TIMES:  Greek bond yields rally, troika to assess reforms http://on.ft.com/1ElUexy

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW:  Yes, sales teams can innovate while still hitting their targets http://s.hbr.org/1DBXmpX

 ZDET: Canonical partners with Amazon, Microsoft, and others on Internet of Things https://lnkd.in/e-U6rdE

COMPUTERWORLD: In six months, the White House has replaced its top IT leaders http://www.computerworld.com/article/2886263/in-six-months-the-white-house-has-replaced-its-top-it-leaders.html

LINKEDIN: Harvard, China, and Why Micromanagement Is Literally Indispensable https://lnkd.in/ez7YFfe

WIRED:  A Nanotech Skylight That Looks Just Like the Sun Shining Overhead   http://www.wired.com/2015/02/nanotech-skylight-looks-just-like-sun-shining-overhead/#slide-id-1734933

WALL STREET JOURNAL:  Google has officially unveiled a YouTube app aimed at children: http://on.wsj.com/1EJtu82  $GOOG

STRATFOR:  As many as 200 anti-government activists have been arrested in Havana, dissidents said, AP reported Feb. 23. http://social.stratfor.com/hyP

UC Berkeley In #scifi worlds, the science matters http://bit.ly/1Eohtad

SYMANTEC:  WhatsApp Encryption: It’s Now the Most Secure Instant Messenger (Or is it?)  http://symc.ly/1wfSVPn









Authored By Copyright Mr. Andres Agostini

White Swan Book Author (Source of this Article)



https://www.FACEBOOK.com/heldenceo (Other Publications)













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