Tuesday, November 25, 2014
FUTURISM UPDATE (November 25, 2014) - Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon
FINANCIAL TIMES: World’s most advanced hacking spyware let loose http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/8392d196-7323-11e4-907b-00144feabdc0.html#axzz3K1HQu1wG
WALL STREET JOURNAL: Drone Flights Face FAA Hit. Looming Rule Proposal Would Restrict Commercial Uses, Require Pilot License http://lnkd.in/eY44b-f
NEWS.com.au: Bill Gates predicted to be world’s first trillionaire http://lnkd.in/eTEAr3N
CNNMoney: Russia losing $140 billion from sanctions and low oil prices http://lnkd.in/eVcv7wj
The Independent: The world is due 'a major cyber attack causing widespread harm' before 2025, say experts http://lnkd.in/eMJurqX
FUTURE OBSERVATORY: How permanent stress may lead to mental disorders http://lnkd.in/eNuAcEM
FUTURE OBSERVATORY: A wearable to help measure stress, epileptic seizures, activity, and sleep http://lnkd.in/excdKkQ
Telegraph.co.uk: The world's most hi-tech hotels. As consumer demands advance alongside technology, these hotels are responding with iPads, concierge robots and Google Glass http://lnkd.in/etT76mG
BBC News: Hi-tech cars are security risk, warn researchers http://lnkd.in/esP4P7q
The Guardian: Russian Soyuz rocket delivers crew to International Space Station – video report http://lnkd.in/eTmQgvr
REUTERS: Cold hard facts: Underwater robot measures Antarctic sea ice http://reut.rs/1xvai95
MOSCOW TIMES: Iran Talks Show Why West Still Needs Russia http://lnkd.in/ejCwiMp
REUTERS: In metro Houston, an uphill fight to build a Texas-size defense against the next big storm http://lnkd.in/em56Afu
REUTERS: EU digital tsar warns monopolists; Google foes play down call for break-up http://lnkd.in/edyyPeW
REUTERS: Microsoft sues IRS for details of probe on internal transactions http://lnkd.in/ee4EKDY
FORBES: Big Data Revolution http://lnkd.in/e29RTaw
Science World Report: The World's Oldest Living People are the Same Despite Extreme Longevity. It turns out that having good or bad genes actually doesn't influence whether you'll live longer or not. Using fewer than 20 genes, scientists were unable to find rare protein-altering variants that were significantly associated with extreme longevity. http://lnkd.in/eiTccrg
FINANCIAL TIMES: Spanish polls show Podemos surge is no aberration http://lnkd.in/eE_2_2X
POPULAR SCIENCE: The World's First Programmable Nanoprocessor Takes Complex Circuitry to the Nanoscale http://lnkd.in/eAbC5MR
THE ECONOMIST: The Economist explains: what happens when a country goes bust http://lnkd.in/ezdNcbg
White Swan Book Author (Source of this Article)
Posted by http://goo.gl/JujXk
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11/25/2014 12:20:00 AM